15 June 2008

Just do it

I've wrapped up my first week of training!

It proved to be a little rough getting started.  I've already had to do one workout on a treadmill (in Chicago, natch - I have feeling last year's long night at the office will be this year's travel for client visits) and actually had to walk for part of a 3-miler.

And then . . . today.  Today running felt simple again.  Aside from the requisite self check-ins, I wasn't constantly worried about my breathing or feeling like I was laboring each step.  One foot fell nicely in front of the other, I kept a surprisingly decent pace, my left knee didn't send me any signals and my ankles felt great!  The weather was also pretty awesome, and I even received a few fist-pumps from cyclists and other runners heading in the other direction.

I was admittedly nervous about the prospect of going 26.2 a few weeks ago.  Today, I feel ready.  For the training, that is.  Not for the race.  YET.

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